Fajwel Fogel

Researcher at ENS Paris & LSCE.


My name is Fajwel (pronounce “fayvel”). I am a postdoctoral researcher at ENS Paris and LSCE, member of the research group of Philippe Ciais, and the AI4Forest project. My current research focuses on the estimation of forest attributes (e.g., height) and their temporal evolution at a very high resolution (less than 2 meters) and at scale (country or greater), using remote sensing data and AI. I am also very curious about other applications of AI for environmental sciences.

From 2016 till 2023 I have worked in several AI startups. In 2016 I served as Chief Data Scientist at Kayrros, a startup that delivers insights on energy markets using satellite imagery and AI. Subsequently, from 2017 till 2023 I have been the Chief Science Officer and co-founder of Sancare, a startup that automates the processing of hospitals’ medical health reports with AI to streamine administrative tasks and retrieve information for real world evidence studies.

I hold an engineering degree from ENSAE, a Master of Science from Columbia University, and a PhD in applied mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique Paris (advisors Alexandre d’Aspremont and Francis Bach).